Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 644
Water Pollution
Section 644.011.1
August 28, 2015
Statement of policy.
644.011. Whereas the pollution of the waters of this state
constitutes a menace to public health and welfare, creates a public
nuisance, is harmful to wildlife, fish and aquatic life and impairs
domestic, agricultural, industrial, recreational and other legitimate uses
of water, and whereas the problem of water pollution in this state is
closely related to the problem of water pollution in adjoining states, and
whereas this state must possess the authority required of states in the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, if it is to retain control
of its water pollution control programs, it is hereby declared to be the
public policy of this state to conserve the waters of the state and to
protect, maintain, and improve the quality thereof for public water
supplies and for domestic, agricultural, industrial, recreational and other
legitimate beneficial uses and for the propagation of wildlife, fish and
aquatic life; to provide that no waste be discharged into any waters of the
state without first receiving the necessary treatment or other corrective
action to protect the legitimate beneficial uses of such waters and meet
the requirements of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended; to
provide for the prevention, abatement and control of new or existing water
pollution; and to cooperate with other agencies of the state, agencies of
other states, the federal government and any other persons in carrying out
these objectives. It is also the policy of this state to strive to meet
these objectives while maintaining maximum employment and full industrial
development of the state. The commission shall seek the accomplishment of
these objectives through the prevention, abatement, and control of water
pollution by all practical and economically feasible methods.
(L. 1972 S.B. 424, A.L. 1973 S.B. 259, S.B. 321, A.L. 2015 H.B. 92)
*Transferred 1986; formerly 204.011
644.011. Whereas the pollution of the waters of this state constitutes a
menace to public health and welfare, creates a public nuisance, is harmful to
wildlife, fish and aquatic life and impairs domestic, agricultural,
industrial, recreational and other legitimate uses of water, and whereas the
problem of water pollution in this state is closely related to the problem of
water pollution in adjoining states, and whereas this state must possess the
authority required of states in the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as
amended if it is to retain control of its water pollution control programs,
it is hereby declared to be the public policy of this state to conserve the
waters of the state and to protect, maintain, and improve the quality thereof
for public water supplies and for domestic, agricultural, industrial,
recreational and other legitimate beneficial uses and for the propagation of
wildlife, fish and aquatic life; to provide that no waste be discharged into
any waters of the state without first receiving the necessary treatment or
other corrective action to protect the legitimate beneficial uses of such
waters and meet the requirements of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act
as amended; to provide for the prevention, abatement and control of new or
existing water pollution; and to cooperate with other agencies of the state,
agencies of other states, the federal government and any other persons in
carrying out these objectives.
Missouri General Assembly
Copyright © Missouri Legislature, all rights reserved.