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WAC 246-915-350: Inactive Credential

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-915 > Section 246-915-350



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 246-915-350

Inactive credential.

(1) A physical therapist or physical therapist assistant may obtain an inactive credential. Refer to the requirements of chapter 246-12 WAC, Part 4.
(2) Practitioners with an inactive credential for three years or less who wish to return to active status must meet the requirements of chapter 246-12 WAC, Part 4.
(3) Practitioners with an inactive credential for more than three years, who have been in active practice in another United States jurisdiction, and wish to return to active status must:
(a) Submit verification of active practice from any other United States jurisdiction; and
(b) Meet the requirements of chapter 246-12 WAC, Part 4.
(4) Practitioners with an inactive credential for more than three years, who have not been in active practice in another United States jurisdiction, and wish to return to active status must:
(a) Successfully pass the examination as provided in RCW 18.74.035. The board may waive reexamination if the practitioner presents evidence of continuing competency satisfactory to the board; and
(b) Must meet the requirements of chapter 246-12 WAC, Part 2.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.74.023. WSR 08-17-026, § 246-915-350, filed 8/13/08, effective 8/13/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.74.073. WSR 05-09-003, § 246-915-350, filed 4/7/05, effective 5/8/05.]