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WAC 415-105-170: Application to the disability board-Under age fifty

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 415 > Chapter 415-105 > Section 415-105-170



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 415-105-170

Application to the disability board—Under age fifty.

A disability retiree under age fifty who believes that his/her disability has ceased may apply for a determination that the disability has ceased. The application must be:
(a) Made to the disability board which originally found the member to be disabled; and
(b) In writing; and
(c) Contain the information stated in WAC 415-105-110(2).
Thereafter, the rules and procedures stated in WAC 415-105-120 through 415-105-140 shall be in effect.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050. WSR 99-16-075, § 415-105-170, filed 8/3/99, effective 9/3/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.26.115. WSR 87-07-015 (Order 87-3), § 415-105-170, filed 3/11/87.]