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WAC 246-100-211: Special diseases-Tuberculosis

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-100 > Section 246-100-211


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WAC 246-100-211

Special diseases—Tuberculosis.

(1) Health care providers diagnosing or caring for a person with tuberculosis, whether pulmonary or nonpulmonary, shall:
(a) Report the case to the local health officer or local health department in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, and
(b) Report patient status to the local health officer every three months or as requested.
(2) The local health officer or local health department shall:
(a) Have primary responsibility for control of tuberculosis within the designated jurisdiction;
(b) Maintain a tuberculosis control program including:
(i) Prophylaxis,
(ii) Treatment,
(iii) Surveillance,
(iv) Case finding,
(v) Contact tracing, and
(vi) Other aspects of epidemiologic investigation;
(c) Maintain a tuberculosis register of all persons with tuberculosis, whether new or recurrent, within the local jurisdiction including information about:
(i) Identification of patient,
(ii) Clinical condition,
(iii) Epidemiology of disease,
(iv) Frequency of examinations;
(d) Impose isolation of a person with tuberculosis in an infectious stage if that person does not observe precautions to prevent the spread of the infection;
(e) Designate the place of isolation when imposed;
(f) Release the person from isolation when appropriate;
(g) Maintain and provide outpatient tuberculosis diagnostic and treatment services as necessary, including public health nursing services and physician consultation; and
(h) Submit reports of all cases to the department in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(3) When a person with tuberculosis requires hospitalization,
(a) Hospital admission shall occur in accordance with procedures arranged by the local health officer and the medical director or administrator of the hospital, and
(b) The principal health care provider shall:
(i) Maintain responsibility for deciding date of discharge, and
(ii) Notify the local health officer of intended discharge in order to assure appropriate outpatient arrangements.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050. WSR 91-02-051 (Order 124B), recodified as § 246-100-211, filed 12/27/90, effective 1/31/91; WSR 87-11-047 (Order 302), § 248-100-211, filed 5/19/87.]