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RCW 79.73.020: Recreational use—Permit—Rules—Fees

Published: 2015

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RCWs > Title 79 > Chapter 79.73 > Section 79.73.020



RCW 79.73.020

Recreational use—Permit—Rules—Fees.

The portion of the Milwaukee Road corridor under management and control of the department shall be open to individuals or organized groups that obtain permits from the department to travel the corridor for recreational purposes. The department shall, for the purpose of issuing permits for corridor use, adopt rules necessary for the orderly and safe use of the corridor and protection of adjoining landowners. Permit fees shall be established at a level that will cover costs of issuance. Upon request of abutting landowners, the department shall notify the landowners of permits issued for use of the corridor adjacent to their property.
[2003 c 334 § 457; 1984 c 174 § 7. Formerly RCW 79.08.277.]


Intent—2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Purpose—1984 c 174: See note following RCW 79.73.010.