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WAC 352-32-230: Food and beverage containers on swimming beaches

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 352 > Chapter 352-32 > Section 352-32-230



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 352-32-230

Food and beverage containers on swimming beaches.

(1) The use or possession of any food or beverage container consisting wholly or in part of glass or metal is prohibited on any beach within any state park area, where such beach is designated as a swimming area, or where such beach is customarily and generally used as a swimming area by park patrons though not designated as such.
(2) The provisions of this rule shall not apply to any portion of the seashore conservation area as designated and established by RCW 79A.05.605.
(3) Any violation of this section is an infraction under chapter 7.84 RCW.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 79A.05 RCW, including RCW 79A.05.030, 79A.05.035, 79A.05.055, and 79A.05.070. WSR 00-13-070, § 352-32-230, filed 6/16/00, effective 7/17/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.51.040 and 43.51.180(7). WSR 92-19-098, § 352-32-230, filed 9/17/92, effective 10/18/92; Order 11, § 352-32-230, filed 7/29/71.]