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§45-2-17  Regulation of liquefied natural gas facilities. –

Published: 2015

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Towns and cities


General Powers

SECTION 45-2-17

   § 45-2-17  Regulation of liquefied natural

gas facilities. –

(a) For purposes of this section, the definition of "liquefied natural gas" as

stated in § 39-1-2 applies.

   (b) Purpose. The General Assembly hereby recognizes the

importance of establishing procedures and standards for the supervision and

regulation by the state and by the cities and towns of the use, storage,

transportation, location, construction, and maintenance of liquefied natural

gas and liquefied natural gas storage facilities. The establishment of these

procedures and standards is hereby declared to be a reasonable exercise of the

police power of the general assembly and necessary to afford the highest

possible degree of protection against the potential hazards of explosion and

fire presented by the use, transportation, storage, and location of liquefied

natural gas. The general assembly hereby declares also that it is in the

interest of the public health, safety, and welfare that the use, storage,

transportation, and location of liquefied natural gas or liquefied natural gas

facilities be supervised, regulated, and controlled in accordance with the

provisions of this section.

   (c) From and after June 4, 1976, no liquefied natural gas

storage facility, including any facility for which any application is pending

before any state or local governmental body or agency on June 4, 1976, shall be

established nor shall construction of the facility be commenced or storage of

the gas begin or any permit or license be issued reasonably related to the

facility unless and until the public utilities commission of the state of Rhode

Island issues a final approval and license in accordance with the provisions of

this section.

   (d) The public utilities commission, the division of fire

safety, and every town and city shall each promulgate and adopt rules and

regulations or enact ordinances establishing procedures and standards for the

supervision, regulation, and control of the use, location, construction,

storage, and maintenance of liquefied natural gas and liquefied natural gas

storage facilities.

   The procedures for the adoption and promulgation of the rules

and regulations shall be those provided in chapter 35 of title 42.

   (e) Before any permit or license may be issued for the

construction, or location, of a liquefied natural gas facility or for the

storage of liquefied natural gas, the following procedures must be followed and

complied with:

   (1) All permit or license applications must also be filed

with the public utilities commission and the state fire marshal's office.

   (2) Prior to the issuance of any permit or license there

shall be a public hearing with notice given by the city or town where the

storage area or facility is proposed to be located or where the liquefied

natural gas is proposed to be stored. Notice of the hearing shall be given at

least two (2) weeks before the date set for the hearing and shall be given on

at least three (3) separate occasions prior to the hearing date. Notice shall

be by advertisement in a local or statewide newspaper, whichever has the

greater circulation in the city or town where the site is to be located or

where the storage is proposed to be. Notice shall be by block advertisement of

at least two and one half (2 1/2) inches by two and one half (2 1/2) inches

square. The notice shall state the subject matter of the hearing and the date,

time, and place of the hearing.

   (3) The city or town council must review and give final

approval as to any decision granting the issuance of a license or permit

pertaining to the siting or location of the facility, the building or

construction of the facility, and the storage of the liquefied natural gas with

notice and public hearings required as set forth in subsection (e)(2) of this


   (4) Upon the granting of the final approval of a city or town

on the issuance of a license or permit as set forth in subsection (e)(3) of

this section and before issuance of the permit or license, a permit must be

applied for, approved, and issued by the state fire marshal's office and the

public utilities commission in accordance with the general laws of the state of

Rhode Island and the rules and regulations established by the respective state


   (f) The provisions of this section are in addition to any and

all other conditions or provisions of applicable law and are not to be

construed to be in amendment of or in repeal of any other applicable provision

of law.

History of Section.

(P.L. 1976, ch. 270, § 4.)