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§42-128-7  General Powers. –

Published: 2015

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State Affairs and Government

CHAPTER 42-128

Rhode Island Housing Resources Act of 1998

SECTION 42-128-7

   § 42-128-7  General powers. –

The commission shall have the following powers, together with all powers

incidental to or necessary for the performance of those set forth in this


   (1) To sue and be sued.

   (2) To negotiate and to enter into contracts, agreements, and

cooperative agreements with agencies and political subdivisions of the state,

not-for-profit corporations, for profit corporations, and other partnerships,

associations and persons for any lawful purpose necessary and desirable to

effect the purposes of this chapter.

   (3) To adopt by-laws and rules for the management of its

affairs and for the exercise of its powers and duties, and to establish the

committees, workgroups, and advisory bodies that from time to time may be

deemed necessary.

   (4) To receive and accept grants or loans as may be made by

the Federal government, and grants, donations, contributions and payments from

other public and private sources.

   (5) To grant or loan funds to agencies and political

subdivisions of the state or to private groups to effect the purposes of this


   (6) To secure the cooperation and assistance of the United

States and any of its agencies, and of the agencies and political subdivisions

of this state in the work of the commission.

   (7) To establish, charge, and collect fees and payments for

its services.

History of Section.

(P.L. 1998, ch. 31, art. 29, § 1.)