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§42-35-5.1  Regulatory Agenda. –

Published: 2015

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State Affairs and Government


Administrative Procedures

SECTION 42-35-5.1

   § 42-35-5.1  Regulatory agenda. –

(a) On January 15 and June 15 of each year, each agency shall prepare and file

with the governor, the secretary of state, the president of the senate, and the

speaker of the house a regulatory agenda which shall contain:

   (1) A listing of all rules and orders promulgated since the

preceding regulatory agenda, except orders of the human rights commission;

   (2) A brief description of the subject area of any rule which

the agency expects to prepare or promulgate prior to the filing of the next

regulatory agenda including the objectives and legal basis for such rules and

approximate schedule for completing action on the rules.

   (3) The name and telephone number of an agency official

knowledgeable concerning the items identified in subdivision (2).

   (b) The secretary of state shall compile the regulatory

agendas and provide copies to the public upon request at a cost not to exceed

the actual cost of publication.

   (c) Each agency shall endeavor to provide copies of its

regulatory agenda to parties likely to be affected by proposed rules.

   (d) Nothing in this section precludes an agency from

considering or acting upon any matter not included in the regulatory agenda nor

does it require an agency to consider or act upon any matter listed in the


History of Section.

(P.L. 1986, ch. 281, § 6; P.L. 2001, ch. 180, § 102.)