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WAC 296-155-54300: Derricks-General

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 296 > Chapter 296-155 > Section 296-155-54300



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 296-155-54300


(1) This section contains supplemental requirements for derricks, whether temporarily or permanently mounted; all sections of this part apply to derricks unless specified otherwise. A derrick is powered equipment consisting of a mast or equivalent member that is held at or near the end by guys or braces, with or without a boom, and its hoisting mechanism. The mast/equivalent member and/or the load is moved by the hoisting mechanism (typically base-mounted) and operating ropes. Derricks include: A-frame, basket, breast, Chicago boom, gin pole (except gin poles used for erection of communication towers), guy, shearleg, stiffleg, and variations of such equipment.
(2) Derricks. All derricks in use must meet the applicable requirements for design, construction, installation, inspection, testing, maintenance, and operation as prescribed in American National Standard Institute B30.6-2010, Safety Standard for Derricks. It is not the intent of this rule to require retrofitting of existing derricks. However, when an item is being modified, its performance needs to be reviewed by a qualified person and compared to the applicable sections of this rule. For modification requirements see WAC 296-155-53400 (58) and (59). For derricks manufactured prior to the effective date of this rule the design and construction criteria must meet at a minimum, ASME B30.6-1990.
(3) Derricks must be constructed to meet all stresses imposed on members and components when installed and operated in accordance with the manufacturer's/builder's procedures and within its rated capacity.
(4) The manufacturer's recommendations must be followed when installing, erecting, operating, maintenance and dismantling derricks. If the manufacturer's recommendations are not available, follow the requirements in ASME B30.6-2010.
(5) When derricks are erected/dismantled, written instructions by the manufacturer or qualified person and a list of the weights of each subassembly to be erected/dismantled must be at the site.
(6) Procedures must be established before beginning derrick erection/dismantling work to implement the instructions and adapt them to the particular needs of the site.
(7) A qualified person must supervise the erection and dismantling of the derrick.
(8) Derricks and their crane assembly parts/components must be inspected by an accredited certifier, prior to assembly and following erection of the derrick before placing the crane in service (see WAC 296-155-53212). Only inspected and preapproved components are allowed to be used in the assembly of a derrick.
(9) Prior to erecting a derrick on a nonstandard base/structural support, the employer must ensure that the engineering configuration of this base/structural support has been reviewed and acknowledged as acceptable by an independent registered professional structural engineer (RPSE), licensed under chapter 18.43 RCW.
(10) An RPSE must certify that the derrick foundation, structural supports and underlying soil provide adequate support for the derrick with its applied torsional and overturning moments and the horizontal and vertical forces.
(11) Derricks must be attached to bases/structural supports in compliance with the manufacturer's or an RPSE's instructions.
(12) Prior to installing a derrick that will be attached to an existing building, new construction, or structure, an RPSE must certify that the structural attachments to the building are designed to withstand the torsional and overturning moments and the horizontal and vertical forces created by the derrick to be installed.
(13) The engineer of record must be consulted to verify that the host structure is capable of safely resisting the applied derrick forces, if this engineer is not available an RPSE must perform this verification.
(14) Derrick superstructures and machine deck (counterweight jib/counter-jibs) must be arranged to receive counterweights, made in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications for the specified jib or boom length, and to hold them in position. Means must be provided to guard against shifting or dislodgement during derrick operation. Manufacturer's specified counterweight weights are not to be exceeded.
(15) For derricks utilizing ballast, bases must include provisions to support and position the ballast. Means must be provided to guard against shifting or dislodgement of ballast during derrick operation.
(16) All electrical equipment must be properly grounded and protection must be provided against lightning per the manufacturer's recommendations or if not available, a registered professional electrical engineer.
(17) Each electrically powered derrick must have a main disconnect switch at or near the initial base of the derrick. This switch must have provisions for locking in the "off" position.
(18) Electrical equipment must be so located or guarded that live parts are not exposed to inadvertent contact by personnel and equipment under normal operating conditions.
(19) Electrical equipment must be protected from dirt, grease, oil, and moisture. Fixtures, wiring, and connections exposed to the weather must be of weather resistant type.
(20) Wiring must conform to the provisions of ANSI/NFPA 70 for temporary wiring. Motors, controls, switches, and other electrical equipment must meet applicable requirements of ANSI/NFPA 70. Hoists, slewing, trolley, and travel controllers must conform to ISO 7752-1, 2010.
(21) Provisions must be made to guard against reversing of each motor due to reversed phase connections.
(22) Electrical circuits between the fixed and rotating portions of the derrick must pass through a slip ring assembly that will permit continuous rotation of the upper derrick structure in either direction, unless other means are provided to prevent damage to the electrical conductors.
(23) Individual overload protection must be provided for each motor.
(24) Employees required to perform duties on the boom/jib of derricks must be protected against falling in accordance with Part C-1 of this chapter.
(25) Advertising signs or similar panels must not be installed on the derrick unless size, design, and positioning satisfy the manufacturer's recommendations, in the absence of the manufacturer's recommendations, an RPE's written approval must be obtained.
(26) For night operations, lighting must be adequate to illuminate the working radius while not interfering with the operator's vision.
(27) All welding procedures and welding operator qualifications for use in repair or alteration of load sustaining members must be in accordance with ANSI/AWS D14.3 or ANSI/AWS D1.1. Where special steels or other materials are used, the manufacturer or a qualified person must provide welding procedure instructions. The type of metal used for load sustaining members must be identified by the manufacturer. In the absence of the manufacturer an RPSE must be used.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.440, 49.17.060, and 29 C.F.R. 1926, Subpart CC. WSR 12-01-086, § 296-155-54300, filed 12/20/11, effective 2/1/12.]