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WAC 296-05-314: Nonjoint and waiver committees-Additional requirements

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 296 > Chapter 296-05 > Section 296-05-314



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 296-05-314

Nonjoint and waiver committees—Additional requirements.

(1) The WSATC shall only recognize nonjoint and waiver standards for a specific occupation or directly related occupations.
(2) When multiple related occupations are approved on a single standard, each occupation shall be considered as an individual standard.
(3) Unrelated occupations shall be submitted under separate standards.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.04 RCW and RCW 19.285.040. WSR 11-11-002, § 296-05-314, filed 5/4/11, effective 7/25/11.]