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WAC 260-13-580: Disclosure of governmental actions

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 260 > Chapter 260-13 > Section 260-13-580



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 260-13-580

Disclosure of governmental actions.

An applicant for a Class A, B, or C license must disclose actions of government agencies, which include:
(1) The street and highway improvements necessary to ensure adequate access to applicant's facility, and the cost of improvements, status, likelihood of completion, and estimated date.
(2) The sewer, water, and other public utility improvements necessary to serve applicant's facility, and the cost of improvements, status, likelihood of completion, and estimated date.
(3) If applicant has obtained any required government approvals for its development, ownership, and operation of its horse racing facility:
(a) A description of the approval, unit of government, date, and documentation.
(b) Whether public hearings were held. If they were, the applicant must disclose when and where the hearings were conducted. If they were not held, the applicant must disclose why they were not held.
(c) Whether the unit of government attached any conditions to approval. If so, the applicant must disclose these conditions, including documentation.
(4) Whether any required governmental approvals remain to be obtained, as well as a description of the approval, unit of government, status, likelihood of approval, and estimated date.
(5) Whether an environmental assessment of the facility has been or will be prepared. If so, the applicant must disclose its status and the governmental unit with jurisdiction, and provide a copy of any assessment.
(6) Whether an environmental impact statement is required for applicant's facility. If so, the applicant must disclose its status and the governmental unit with jurisdiction, and provide a copy of any statement.
(7) Whether the applicant is in compliance with all statutes, charter provisions, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to the development, ownership, and/or operation of its horse racing facility. If the applicant is not in compliance, the applicant must disclose the reasons why the applicant is not in compliance.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. WSR 08-17-050, § 260-13-580, filed 8/14/08, effective 9/14/08.]