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§46-12.5.1-1  Definitions. –

Published: 2015

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Waters and Navigation

CHAPTER 46-12.5.1

Oil Pollution Control

SECTION 46-12.5.1-1

   § 46-12.5.1-1  Definitions. –

As used in this chapter these terms shall, where the context permits, be

construed to mean:

   (1) "Containment and cleanup" includes all direct and

indirect efforts associated with the prevention, abatement, containment, or

removal of a pollutant, the restoration of the environment to its former state,

and all incidental administrative costs;

   (2) "Contaminated ballast water" means ballast water carried

in uncleaned cargo tanks or mixed with oil in some other manner such that the

discharge of such water would produce a visible sheen.

   (3) "Department" means the department of environmental

management or its successor;

   (4) "Director" means the director of the department of

environmental management;

   (5) "Oil" means oil of any kind and in any form, whether

crude, refined, or a petroleum by product, including, but not limited to,

petroleum, fuel oil, gasoline, lubricating oils, oily sludge, oil refuse, oil

mixed with other wastes, crude oils, liquified natural gas, propane, butane, or

other liquid hydrocarbons regardless of specific gravity;

   (6) "Oil pollution" means discharging, causing to be

discharged, or permitting the discharge of oil into or upon the waters of this

state, or to construct or install any industrial, commercial, or other

establishment, to make any modification or addition thereto, or to undertake

any development which may result in the discharge of oil into the waters of the

state, unless the discharge is made to a system or means to prevent pollution

approved by the director;

   (7) "Operator" means the person who, through contract, lease,

sublease, or otherwise, exerts general supervision and control of activities

including, but not limited to, a prime general contractor, the "master" of a

vessel and the master's employer or any other person who, personally or through

an agent or contractor, undertakes the general functioning of the facility;

   (8) "Person" includes an individual, trust, firm, joint stock

company, corporation (including a quasi government corporation), municipality,

municipal or state agency, fire district, club, nonprofit agency, or country;

   (9) "Discharge" means any spilling, leaking, pumping,

pouring, emitting, emptying, releasing, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping,

or disposing into the environment;

   (10) "Vessel" means every description of watercraft or other

artificial contrivance used, or capable of being used, as a means of

transportation on water, whether self propelled or otherwise, and includes

barges and tugs;

   (11) "Waters of the state" include all surface waters

including all waters of the territorial sea, tidewaters, all inland waters of

any river, stream, brook, pond or lake; and all ground waters and wetlands of

the state of R.I.

History of Section.

(P.L. 1997, ch. 32, § 2.)