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WAC 16-557-010: Definition Of Terms

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 16 > Chapter 16-557 > Section 16-557-010

Beginning of Chapter    


No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 16-557-010

Definition of terms.

For the purpose of this marketing order:
(1) "Director" means the director of agriculture of the state of Washington or his duly appointed representative.
(2) "Department" means the department of agriculture of the state of Washington.
(3) "Act" means the Washington Agricultural Enabling Act of 1961 or chapter 15.65 RCW.
(4) "Person" means any person, firm, association, or corporation.
(5) "Affected producer" means any person who produces in the state of Washington asparagus in commercial quantities for fresh market, for processing, or for sale to processors.
(6) "Commercial quantity" means any asparagus produced for market in quantities of three tons (6,000 pounds) or more, in any calendar year.
(7) "Affected handler" means both affected handler fresh and affected handler processor.
(8) "Affected handler, fresh" means any person who acts as principal or agent or otherwise in selling, marketing, or distributing fresh asparagus not produced by him.
(9) "Affected handler, processor" means any person who acts as principal or agent or otherwise in processing, freezing asparagus, and selling, marketing, or distributing said processed or frozen asparagus, not produced by him.
(10) "Asparagus commodity board," hereinafter referred to as "board," means the commodity board formed under the provisions of WAC 16-557-020.
(11) "Asparagus" means and includes all kinds, varieties, and hybrids of "officinalis" Linn.

(12) "Marketing season" or "fiscal year" means the twelve-month period beginning with January 1 of any year and ending with the last day of December following, both dates being inclusive.
(13) "Producer-handler" means any person who acts both as a producer and as a handler with respect to asparagus. A producer-handler shall be deemed to be a producer with respect to the asparagus which he produces and a handler with respect to the asparagus which he handles, including those produced by himself.
(14) "Affected area" means the following counties in the state of Washington: Adams, Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Walla Walla, and Yakima.
(15) "Sell" includes offer for sale, expose for sale, have in possession for sale, exchange, barter, or trade.
(16) "Affected unit" means one pound net pay weight of asparagus.
(17) "Promotional hosting" as used in these rules means the hosting of individuals and groups of individuals at meetings, meals, and gatherings for the purpose of cultivating trade relations and promoting sales of Washington grown asparagus.
(18) "Hosting" may include providing meals, refreshments, lodging, transportation, gifts of a nominal value, reasonable and customary entertainment, and normal incidental expenses at meetings or gatherings.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 15.04.200, 15.65.280 and WAC 16-557-020. WSR 98-16-081, § 16-557-010, filed 8/5/98, effective 9/5/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 15.65.050 and chapter 15.65 RCW. WSR 91-09-003, § 16-557-010, filed 4/4/91, effective 5/5/91.]