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WAC 246-924-361: Exploiting supervisees and research subjects

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-924 > Section 246-924-361



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 246-924-361

Exploiting supervisees and research subjects.

(1) Psychologists shall not exploit persons over whom they have supervisory, evaluative, or other authority such as students, supervisees, employees, research participants, clients, or patients.
(2) Psychologist shall not engage in sexual relationships with students or supervisees in training over whom the psychologist has evaluative or direct authority.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.83.050(5) and chapter 18.83 RCW. WSR 93-07-036 (Order 337B), § 246-924-361, filed 3/10/93, effective 4/10/93.]