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WAC 135-100-040: County has authority to impose assessment

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 135 > Chapter 135-100 > Section 135-100-040



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 135-100-040

County has authority to impose assessment.

The county legislative authority has sole authority to impose a special assessment for natural resource conservation on lands within the conservation district and within the boundaries of the county.
When more than one conservation district occurs in a county, special assessments for natural resource conservation need not be imposed for all of the conservation districts in the county.
When one conservation district exists in more than one county, special assessments for natural resource conservation need not be imposed by all counties.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 89.08.040 and [89.08.]070. WSR 07-10-071, § 135-100-040, filed 5/1/07, effective 6/1/07.]