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WAC 460-99C-240: Books and records-Inspection rights

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 460 > Chapter 460-99C > Section 460-99C-240



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 460-99C-240

Books and records—Inspection rights.

(1) An issuer that has filed or is required to file under the crowdfunding exemption must keep and maintain written or electronic records relating to offers and sales of securities made in reliance on the crowdfunding exemption for at least six years following the termination of the offering. These records shall include: (a) The issuer's Washington Crowdfunding Form and all exhibits, together with all amendments thereto; (b) Evidence of residency from each investor in the offering; (c) A manually or electronically signed copy of the Investor Certifications and Acknowledgements Form for each investor in the offering; (d) Final sales reports filed with the director; and (e) Quarterly reports and all other communications with shareholders. (2) The director may access, inspect, review, copy, and remove for inspection any records described in subsection (1) of this section. [Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450, 21.20.880, 21.20.883, 21.20.886, and 2014 c 144. WSR 14-21-001, § 460-99C-240, filed 10/1/14, effective 11/1/14.]