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WAC 314-02-114: What is a senior center license?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 314 > Chapter 314-02 > Section 314-02-114



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 314-02-114

What is a senior center license?

(1) A senior center license can only be issued to a nonprofit organization whose primary service is providing recreational and social activities for seniors on the licensed premises. (2) The senior center license permits the sale of spirits by the individual glass, including mixed drinks and cocktails mixed on the premises only, beer and wine, at retail for consumption on the licensed premises. (3) To qualify for the senior center license, the applicant must: (a) Be a nonprofit organization under RCW 24.03.005; (i) "Corporation" or "domestic corporation" means a corporation not for profit subject to the provisions of this chapter, except a foreign corporation. (ii) "Foreign corporation" means a corporation not for profit organized under laws other than the laws of this state. (iii) "Not for profit corporation" or "nonprofit corporation" means a corporation no part of the income of which is distributable to its members, directors or officers. (b) Only serve alcohol between the hours of 6 a.m. and 2 a.m.; and (c) Provide limited food service anytime alcohol is sold. Limited food service means foods such as: (i) Appetizers; (ii) Sandwiches; (iii) Salads and soups; (iv) Pizza; (v) Hamburgers; and (vi) Fry orders. (4) Alcohol may be sold and served at the following types of events: (a) Events hosted by the senior center; and (b) Private events where the facility is rented by a private party for an event such as a wedding reception, family reunion, etc. (5) If minors are allowed on the premises, floor plans must meet the requirements in WAC 314-02-025. (6) All alcohol servers must have a valid mandatory alcohol server training permit. (7) The annual fee for this license is seven hundred twenty dollars. [Statutory Authority: RCW 66.24.680. WSR 14-20-048, § 314-02-114, filed 9/24/14, effective 10/25/14.]