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WAC 516-21-260: Procedures for immediate interim suspension

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 516 > Chapter 516-21 > Section 516-21-260



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 516-21-260

Procedures for immediate interim suspension.

In consultation with university officials, the dean of students may suspend a student from the university on an immediate interim basis, pending disciplinary or criminal proceedings or a medical evaluation.
(1) An interim suspension may only be imposed in the following circumstances:
(a) The student poses a threat to his/her own safety or well-being;
(b) The student poses a threat to the safety or well-being of other members of the university community;
(c) The student poses a threat to university property, is disrupting, or interfering with the normal operations of the university; and
(d) The student is alleged to have committed a serious violation of local, state, or federal law.
(2) During the interim suspension, a student may be denied access to university activities and privileges, including access to classes, university property, and/or campus residence halls and apartments.
(3) A student suspended from the university on an immediate interim basis shall be notified in writing of the terms of the interim suspension. The notice, which shall be delivered both via e-mail to the student's official account and via certified mail to the student's local address on file, shall include the stated violation(s), the circumstances and terms of the interim suspension, and the time, date and location of a meeting to discuss the interim suspension with the dean of students.
(4) The interim suspension meeting shall occur no less than three business days and no more than seven business days from the date that the notification is sent. The student may elect to waive the three-day notice if an earlier date is mutually agreed upon. The purpose of the interim suspension meeting is for the student to have an opportunity to demonstrate to the dean of students why the terms specified in the interim suspension notice should not continue.
(5) Cases of interim suspension are given priority and will be expedited through the student conduct process. The interim suspension will remain in effect until a final decision has been made on the pending code violation(s) or until the dean of students determines that the reasons for imposing the interim suspension no longer exist or are not supported by available evidence.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120(12) and 20 U.S.C. 1681-1688 (Title IX Education Amendments of 1972). WSR 12-01-021, § 516-21-260, filed 12/9/11, effective 1/9/12.]