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WAC 296-14-6224: What must the worker submit to the department in a completed request for a residence modification?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 296 > Chapter 296-14 > Section 296-14-6224



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 296-14-6224

What must the worker submit to the department in a completed request for a residence modification?

For the department to process a residence modification request, the worker must provide the adjudicator with at least the following information:
(1) Documentation of residence ownership. If the worker does not own the residence, he or she must submit the actual owner's proof of ownership and written legal permission signed by the actual owner to modify the residence as indicated in the proposed plan; and
(2) A report signed by the residence modification consultant for all necessary modifications; and
(3) Competing and detailed bids from two licensed, registered and bonded contractors.

If it is not possible to obtain two bids, a written explanation of the circumstances must be provided.

If family or friends will perform free labor, they need not be licensed, registered and bonded, but must still submit a bid for the cost of materials.

(4) A copy of the acknowledgment of responsibilities letter signed by both the worker and the contractor. A copy of this form can be obtained from the department.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.010, 51.04.020, 51.32.240, and 2005 c 411. WSR 06-06-065, § 296-14-6224, filed 2/28/06, effective 4/1/06.]