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WAC 388-61A-0440: What are the requirements for providing food to clients residing in shelter?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-61A > Section 388-61A-0440



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 388-61A-0440

What are the requirements for providing food to clients residing in shelter?

(1) Your domestic violence agency must provide food and beverages for the basic sustenance of clients residing in shelter, unless other resources are immediately available.
(2) You must store food and beverages, including infant formula, at the shelter to provide to clients residing in shelter when other resources are not immediately available, and for shelter residents who are unable to safely access other food resources.
(3) Milk and infant formula must be available at all times for children residing in the shelter.
(4) You must purchase and provide only food and beverages that are of safe quality to clients residing in shelter. Storage, preparation, and serving techniques must ensure that nutrients are retained and spoilage is prevented.
(5) Food and beverages prepared for clients residing in shelter must be prepared, served and stored safely and in a sanitary manner.
(6) Food must be available to prepare school lunches, if lunch is not otherwise available to the children of shelter residents.
(7) Clients residing in shelter must be provided, or have immediate access to, food that is in accordance with their religious or cultural beliefs and personal practices.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.123 RCW. WSR 10-22-040, § 388-61A-0440, filed 10/27/10, effective 11/27/10.]