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§45-23-38  General provisions – Minor land development and minor subdivision review. –

Published: 2015

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Subdivision of Land

SECTION 45-23-38

   § 45-23-38  General provisions – Minor

land development and minor subdivision review. –

(a) Review stages. Minor plan review consists of two (2) stages,

preliminary and final; provided, that if a street creation or extension is

involved, a public hearing is required. The planning board may combine the

approval stages, providing requirements for both stages are met by the

applicant to the satisfaction of the planning officials.

   (b) Submission requirements. Any applicant requesting

approval of a proposed minor subdivision or minor land development, as defined

in this chapter, shall submit to the administrative officer the items required

by the local regulations.

   (c) Certification. The application shall be certified,

in writing, complete or incomplete by the administrative officer within

twenty-five (25) days or within fifteen (15) days if no street creation or

extension is required, according to the provisions of § 45-23-36(b). The

running of the time period set forth in this section will be deemed stopped

upon the issuance of a certificate of incompleteness of the application by the

administrative officer and will recommence upon the resubmission of a corrected

application by the applicant. However, in no event will the administrative

officer be required to certify a corrected submission as complete or incomplete

less than fourteen (14) days after its resubmission.

   (d) Technical review committee. The technical review

committee, if established, will review the application and will comment and

make recommendations to the planning board. The application will be referred to

the planning board as a whole if there is no technical review committee. When

reviewed by a technical review committee:

   (1) If the land development or subdivision plan is approved

by a majority of the committee members, the application is forwarded to the

planning board with a recommendation for preliminary plan approval without

further review.

   (2) If the plan is not approved by a majority vote of the

committee members, the minor land development and subdivision application is

referred to the planning board.

   (e) Re-assignment to major review. The planning board

may re-assign a proposed minor project to major review only when the planning

board is unable to make the positive findings required in § 45-23-60.

   (f) Decision. If no street creation or extension is

required, the planning board will approve, deny, or approve with conditions,

the preliminary plan within sixty-five (65) days of certification of

completeness, or within any further time that is agreed to by the applicant and

the board, according to the requirements of § 45-23-63. If a street

extension or creation is required, the planning board will hold a public

hearing prior to approval according to the requirements in § 45-23-42 and

will approve, deny, or approve with conditions, the preliminary plan within

ninety-five (95) days of certification of completeness, or within any specified

time that is agreed to by the applicant and the board, according to the

requirements of § 45-23-63.

   (g) Failure to act. Failure of the planning board to

act within the period prescribed constitutes approval of the preliminary plan

and a certificate of the administrative officer as to the failure of the

planning board to act within the required time and the resulting approval will

be issued on request of the application.

   (h) Final plan. The planning board may delegate final

plan review and approval to either the administrative officer or the technical

review committee. The officer or committee will report its actions, in writing

to the planning board at its next regular meeting, to be made part of the


   (i) Expiration of approval. Approval of a minor land

development or subdivision plan expires ninety (90) days from the date of

approval unless within that period a plat or plan, in conformity with approval,

and as defined in this act, is submitted for signature and recording as

specified in § 45-23-64. Validity may be extended for a longer period, for

cause shown, if requested by the application in writing, and approved by the

planning board.

History of Section.

(P.L. 1992, ch. 385, § 1; P.L. 1996, ch. 404, § 36; P.L. 1999, ch.

157, § 1; P.L. 2008, ch. 224, § 1; P.L. 2008, ch. 464, §
