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WAC 479-14-151: Funding distribution formula for the urban program

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 479 > Chapter 479-14 > Section 479-14-151



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 479-14-151

Funding distribution formula for the urban program.

The statewide distribution of urban program funds is allocated between regions according to the following formula: The average of the ratios of region urban area population (RUP) divided by the statewide urban population (SUP) plus region functionally classified lane miles within the urban area (RFC) divided by statewide functionally classified lane miles within urban areas (SFC).

  (RUP/SUP) + (RFC/SFC)  

The board may adjust the regional allocation by plus or minus five percent of the total annual allocation to fully fund the approved list of regional projects. When requested by the board, TIB staff will update the regional allocation to ensure equitable distribution of funds. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. WSR 15-22-052, § 479-14-151, filed 10/29/15, effective 11/29/15; WSR 12-08-060, § 479-14-151, filed 4/3/12, effective 5/4/12; WSR 07-18-050, § 479-14-151, filed 8/30/07, effective 9/30/07.]