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WAC 296-878-19010: Safely use boatswains' chairs rigged with a block and tackle

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 296 > Chapter 296-878 > Section 296-878-19010



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WAC 296-878-19010

Safely use boatswains' chairs rigged with a block and tackle.

(1) You must make sure the rated capacity or the maximum intended load, whichever is less, is not exceeded. (2) You must make sure the suspension rope stays vertical between the boatswain's chair and suspension device unless all of these requirements are met: (a) The rigging has been designed by a qualified person; (b) The scaffold can be easily reached by rescuers; (c) The suspension rope is protected from damage when a change in direction occurs; (d) The scaffold will not swing and contact another surface. (3) You must make sure a suspension height of seventy-five feet above grade or building setback is not exceeded.

Suspension height may be up to one hundred thirty feet above grade or building setback if the boatswain's chair block and tackle has all of the following:

1. An automatic braking system;

2. A design that minimizes the amount of force required to raise or lower the suspended worker;

3. An automatic braking system that automatically maintains an elevation when no force is applied to the tackle;

4. A system that does not slip.

(4) You must prohibit tying any kind of knot in a block and tackle system to maintain elevation. (5) You must make sure another worker is stationed below any boatswain's chair rigged with a block and tackle who can assist the suspended employee. (6) You must make sure workers do not attempt to increase the work area by swinging, swaying, or other maneuvers. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060, and chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 14-09-095, § 296-878-19010, filed 4/22/14, effective 7/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, and 49.17.060. WSR 02-22-027, § 296-878-19010, filed 10/28/02, effective 1/1/03.]