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Section: 560.0021 Until December 31, 2016--Fines For Corporations. Rsmo 560.021

Published: 2015

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Missouri Revised Statutes

Chapter 560



Section 560.021.2


August 28, 2015

Until December 31, 2016--Fines for corporations.

560.021. 1. A sentence to pay a fine, when imposed on a corporation for

an offense defined in this code or for any offense defined outside this code

for which no special corporate fine is specified, shall be a sentence to pay

an amount, fixed by the court, not exceeding:

(1) Ten thousand dollars, when the conviction is of a felony;

(2) Five thousand dollars, when the conviction is of a class A


(3) Two thousand dollars, when the conviction is of a class B misdemeanor;

(4) One thousand dollars, when the conviction is of a class C misdemeanor;

(5) Five hundred dollars, when the conviction is of an infraction;

(6) Any higher amount not exceeding double the amount of the

corporation's gain from the commission of the offense, as determined under

section 560.011.

2. In the case of an offense defined outside the code, if a special fine

for a corporation is expressly specified in the statute that defines the

offense, the fine fixed by the court shall be

(1) An amount within the limits specified in the statute that defines the

offense; or

(2) Any higher amount not exceeding double the amount of the

corporation's gain from the commission of the offense, as determined under

section 560.011.

(L. 1977 S.B. 60)

Effective 1-01-79

*This section was repealed by S.B. 491, 2014, effective 1-01-17. Due

to the delayed repeal date, the version of this section in effect

until 12-31-16 is printed here.


Missouri General Assembly

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