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§28-9.3-7  Certification of negotiating agent – Payment of service charge by non-members. –

Published: 2015

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Labor and Labor Relations

CHAPTER 28-9.3

Certified School Teachers' Arbitration

SECTION 28-9.3-7

   § 28-9.3-7  Certification of negotiating

agent – Payment of service charge by non-members. –

(a) No association or organization shall be initially certified as the

representative of certified public school teachers except after an election.

   (b) Teachers shall be free to join or to decline to join any

association or organization regardless of whether it has been certified as the

exclusive representative of certified public school teachers.

   (c) If new elections are not held after an association or

labor organization is certified, the association or organization shall continue

as the exclusive representative of the certified public school teachers from

year to year until recognition is withdrawn or changed as provided in §


   (d) Elections shall not be held more often than once each

twelve (12) months and must be held at least thirty (30) days before the

expiration date of any employment contract.

   (e) Where certified public school teachers have selected an

exclusive bargaining representative organization, all nonmembers of the

exclusive bargaining representative organization shall pay to the exclusive

bargaining organization a service charge as a contribution toward the

collective bargaining procedures involved in securing a contract and the

administration of any collective bargaining agreement in an amount equal to the

regular dues of the organization.

History of Section.

(P.L. 1966, ch. 146, § 1; P.L. 1975, ch. 54, § 1.)