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WAC 391-65-090: Grievance arbitration-Designation of panel of arbitrators

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 391 > Chapter 391-65 > Section 391-65-090



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 391-65-090

Grievance arbitration—Designation of panel of arbitrators.

Upon the request of a party, the agency shall furnish a list of members of the dispute resolution panel. Names shall be referred and an arbitrator shall be selected under WAC 391-55-120.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050 and 41.56.125. WSR 99-14-060, § 391-65-090, filed 7/1/99, effective 8/1/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. WSR 80-14-050 (Order 80-9), § 391-65-090, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]