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§35-6-16  Payments for work on projects specifically appropriated for. –

Published: 2015

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Public Finance


Accounts and Control

SECTION 35-6-16

   § 35-6-16  Payments for work on projects

specifically appropriated for. –

Whenever the general assembly shall make any appropriation for the erection or

repair of any public building, or any armory of any military company, or any

appropriation for any specified work to be done and performed, the state

controller shall require satisfactory proof that the work specified in the

appropriation has been faithfully done, according to the terms of the

appropriation, before the money appropriated for the purpose shall be drawn

from the state treasury; or, if the appropriation contemplates that portions of

the money appropriated shall be drawn as the work progresses, the money shall

be drawn only in proportion to the amount of the work done, or advanced upon

such security as the state controller may require shall be applied to the work.

History of Section.

(G.L. 1896, ch. 34, § 10; G.L. 1909, ch. 44, § 10; G.L. 1923, ch. 45,

§ 10; G.L. 1938, ch. 7, § 13; impl. am. P.L. 1939, ch. 660, §

65; G.L. 1956, § 35-6-16.)