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WAC 388-112-0400: What must be included in a class on adult education?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-112 > Section 388-112-0400



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 388-112-0400

What must be included in a class on adult education?

A class on adult education must include content, student practice, and evaluation of student skills by the instructor in:
(1) Adult education theory and practice principles;
(2) Instructor facilitation techniques;
(3) Facilitating learning activities for adults;
(4) Administering competency testing; and
(5) Working with adults with special training needs (for example, English as a second language or learning and literacy issues).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.090, 70.128.040, 74.39A.050, 34.05.020, 2000 c 121, and 2002 c 233. WSR 02-15-066, § 388-112-0400, filed 7/11/02, effective 8/11/02.]