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WAC 246-814-030: Application process and documentation of training required to qualify for endorsement

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-814 > Section 246-814-030



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WAC 246-814-030

Application process and documentation of training required to qualify for endorsement.

(1) The department of health has issued endorsements to all dental hygienists holding valid licenses on or before April 19, 2001, the effective date of RCW 18.29.220.
(2) Dental hygienists licensed after April 19, 2001, must obtain an endorsement to provide services under this chapter. Applicants must meet the additional requirements in RCW 18.29.220 and must submit the following to the department:
(a) Application for endorsement;
(b) Fee;
(c) Information of having a valid Washington state dental hygiene license for reference; and
(d) Proof of the completion of training that has incorporated the Washington state department of health sealant/fluoride varnish program guidelines as described in WAC 246-814-040(3).
(3) Dental assistants employed by a Washington state licensed dentist on or before April 19, 2001, are not required to obtain an endorsement but may voluntarily do so without having to meet the additional requirements in RCW 18.32.226.
(4) Dental assistants employed by a Washington state licensed dentist for two hundred hours after April 19, 2001, must obtain an endorsement to provide services under this chapter. Applicants must meet the additional requirements in RCW 18.32.226 and must submit the following to the department:
(a) Application for endorsement;
(b) Fee;
(c) Proof of two hundred hours of employment as a dental assistant by a Washington state licensed dentist that has included theoretical and clinical training in the application of dental sealants and fluoride varnish treatments, verified by a declaration provided by the licensed dentist who provided the training; and
(d) Proof of completion of training that has incorporated the Washington state department of health sealant/fluoride varnish program guidelines as described in WAC 246-814-040(3).
(5) Dental assistants and their supervising dentists, as well as dental hygienists should use the Washington state department of health sealant/fluoride varnish guidelines described in WAC 246-814-040 and other protocols that may be in place for the geographic region when coordinating with local public health jurisdictions. To assist the local public health jurisdictions and the practitioners in coordinating these services, a "letter of understanding" is recommended and would provide a means to address mutual concerns. It may include, but is not limited to:
(a) Data collection requirements;
(b) Delineation of responsibilities of the treatment providers and the local public health jurisdictions;
(c) Quality assurance mechanisms; and
(d) Communication with schools being served.
(6) Dental assistants and their supervising dentists, as well as dental hygienists shall coordinate with the local oral health coalitions by participating in oral health coalition meetings that may be held in the geographical region.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.650. WSR 02-21-128, § 246-814-030, filed 10/23/02, effective 11/23/02.]