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WAC 200-340-030: Advance warning system for the blind

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 200 > Chapter 200-340 > Section 200-340-030



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 200-340-030

Advance warning system for the blind.

Whenever curb ramps are placed in the main flow of pedestrian traffic, an advance warning system is necessary in order to aid the blind. Warning materials should be adapted to local conditions. This texture should be in advance of a ramp curb. (See WAC 236-60-060.)
[Statutory Authority: 2011 c 43. WSR 11-23-093, recodified as § 200-340-030, filed 11/17/11, effective 11/17/11. Statutory Authority: RCW 35.68.076. WSR 78-02-066 (Order 77-5), § 236-60-030, filed 1/24/78.]