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WAC 246-101-225: Content of notifications for positive preliminary test results and positive final test results

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-101 > Section 246-101-225



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 246-101-225

Content of notifications for positive preliminary test results and positive final test results.

(1) For each condition listed in Table Lab-1 of WAC 246-101-201, laboratory directors must provide the following information for each positive culture or suggestive test result:
(a) Type of specimen tested;
(b) Name of reporting laboratory;
(c) Telephone number of reporting laboratory;
(d) Date of specimen collection;
(e) Date specimen received by reporting laboratory;
(f) Requesting health care provider's name;
(g) Requesting health care provider's phone number;
(h) Requesting health care provider's address, when available;
(i) Test result;
(j) Name of patient;
(k) Sex of patient, when available in laboratory data base;
(l) Date of birth or age of patient, when available in laboratory data base; and
(m) Full address of patient, or patient zip code at a minimum, when available in laboratory data base.
(2) Local health officers and the state health officer may require laboratory directors to report other information of epidemiological or public health value.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050. WSR 11-02-065, § 246-101-225, filed 1/4/11, effective 2/4/11. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050, 43.70.545, 70.24.125 and 70.28.010. WSR 00-23-120, § 246-101-225, filed 11/22/00, effective 12/23/00.]