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§23-19.1-17.1  Seizure and forfeiture of property used to violate chapter. –

Published: 2015

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Health and Safety

CHAPTER 23-19.1

Hazardous Waste Management

SECTION 23-19.1-17.1

   § 23-19.1-17.1  Seizure and forfeiture of

property used to violate chapter. –

(a) It shall be unlawful to willfully, knowingly, and intentionally use, or

possess with the intention to so use, any aircraft, vehicle, vessel, draft

animal, or other property to transport or dispose hazardous waste in violation

of this chapter. Any property used this way may be seized, and shall be

forfeited to the state.

   (b) Any property subject to forfeiture may be seized by the

director before forfeiture proceedings are instituted. Property seized shall

remain in the care and custody and under the control of the director, pending

disposition as provided in this section.

   (c) The superior court for Providence County shall have

jurisdiction to enforce forfeiture. Proceedings for forfeiture may be

instituted and prosecuted in the name of the director.

   (d) In the event that bond as provided in this section shall

have been executed and the property returned before forfeiture proceedings have

been instituted in the superior court, all parties executing the bond shall be

given notice of the pendency of the proceedings, by personal service or

publication, in any manner and form as the court may direct. Notice of the

pendency of the proceedings shall be given to any persons and in any manner and

form as the court may direct.

   (e) When, in the opinion of the director, any seized property

is liable to perish or become greatly reduced in price or value by keeping, or

when it cannot be kept without great expense, the director shall appraise the

property; and then:

   (1) The owner shall have the property returned to him, her,

or it, upon giving bond in an amount equal to the appraised value to abide the

final order, decree, or judgment of the court in forfeiture proceedings under

this section, and to pay the amount of the appraised value to the director, or

as may be ordered and directed by the court; or

   (2) If the owner shall neglect or refuse to give the bond,

the director shall as soon as possible make public sale of the property. The

proceeds of the sale, after deducting the reasonable costs of the seizure and

sale, shall be paid to the court to abide its final order, decree, or judgment.

   (f) Whenever any person interested in any property seized

under this section files with the court before its final order, decree, or

judgment a petition in any manner and form as the court may direct, for the

mitigation of the forfeiture, the court may mitigate this forfeiture upon any

terms and conditions as it deems just and reasonable, or may order

discontinuance of the forfeiture proceedings, if the court finds any mitigating

circumstances to justify the mitigation or discontinuance.

   (g) After final order, decree or judgment granting

forfeiture, the director may:

   (1) Make public sale of the property. In this case the

proceeds of the sale, after deducting the reasonable costs of the seizure and

sale, shall be used by the director in furtherance of the enforcement of this

chapter; or

   (2) Use the property in furtherance of the enforcement of

this chapter.

   (h) The court may order and direct the director to deliver

seized property to any interested party before a final order, decree, or

judgment in a forfeiture proceeding, if the interested party shall give bond in

the amount of the appraised value of the property to abide the final order,

decree, or judgment of the court, and to pay the amount of the appraised value

to the director, or as may be ordered and directed by the court. The value of

the property shall be appraised in any manner as the court may order and

direct, and the cost of the appraisal shall be paid by the interested party.

   (i) Forfeiture of property under this section shall be in

addition to any other penalty provided by law.

History of Section.

(P.L. 1984, ch. 75, § 1.)