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WAC 182-26-325: Making Changes To A Hip Account

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 182 > Chapter 182-26 > Section 182-26-325



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 182-26-325

Making changes to a HIP account.

(1) A partnership participant may add an eligible dependent to a HIP account:
(a) Annually, during the subsidy application and renewal period; or
(b) When there is a qualifying change in family status. In these cases, the partnership participant must notify the administrator on the required form within thirty calendar days of the change in family status. A "qualifying change in family status" means:
• The loss of other health care coverage for a dependent who has previously waived coverage in the partnership participant's employer-sponsored health benefit plan;
• The birth, adoption, or placement for adoption of a dependent child in the partnership participant's home;
• The partnership participant marries;
• The partnership participant or his or her spouse assumes custody or dependency of a child or adult dependent; or
• A dependent that was previously ineligible for the partnership participant's employer-sponsored health benefit plan coverage has become eligible.
(2) A partnership participant may remove dependents from a HIP account upon divorce, annulment, or legal separation, or upon the death of a dependent. In these cases, the partnership participant must notify the HIP within thirty calendar days of the change in family status.
(3) A partnership participant must notify the HIP of a change in his or her physical address within thirty calendar days of the change of address.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.47A.060. WSR 08-22-041 (Order 08-02), § 182-26-325, filed 10/31/08, effective 12/1/08.]