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WAC 16-439-260: Minimum weight for Bartlett pears

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 16 > Chapter 16-439 > Section 16-439-260



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 16-439-260

Minimum weight for Bartlett pears.

(1) The minimum carton weight for fresh Bartlett pears shall be at least fourteen pounds net weight, except for overwrap trays or other consumer type packages packed in master containers.
(2) Upon request, the director may approve the use of experimental shipping containers.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.17 RCW, RCW 15.17.030, and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 09-01-095, § 16-439-260, filed 12/16/08, effective 1/16/09; Order 1033, Regulation 6, filed 10/10/66, effective 11/10/66; Order 930, Regulation 6, filed 8/6/63; Emergency Order 922, filed 6/7/63.]