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WAC 132S-30-084: Types Of Leaves

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 132S > Chapter 132S-30 > Section 132S-30-084



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WAC 132S-30-084

Types of leaves.

(1) Bereavement leaves. A bereavement leave, not to exceed five days with pay, will be allowed all academic, administrative, and exempt employees for each death in the immediate family. "Immediate family" means the mother, mother substitute, mother-in-law, father, father substitute, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, spouse, son, daughter, brother or sister of the employee, or any relative living in the immediate household of the employee.
(2) Sabbatical leaves. The purpose of a sabbatical leave shall be to improve the professional skills of the faculty member through study, research, and creative work.
Application for sabbatical leave shall be submitted in writing to the office of the president of the college prior to the end of winter quarter in the year previous to the year in which the leave is desired.
Selection for sabbatical leave shall be based on the worthiness of the project or plan as submitted by the faculty member.
Projects or plans will be evaluated according to their value to the institution based on the following criteria:
(a) Value of project or plan in relationship to teaching responsibilities;
(b) Ability of applicant to achieve goals of project or plan as based on past experience and academic background;
(c) Need for new or additional knowledge in subject field to be studied;
(d) Quality of replacement personnel designated to take the responsibility of the applicant;
(e) Evidence of support (in the form of recommendations and/or financial) from other institutions, foundations, or persons concerned with the proposed plan or project.
The aggregate cost of the leave, including cost of replacement personnel, shall not exceed one hundred fifty percent of the cost of the salary which would have otherwise been paid to the employee, as outlined in RCW 28B.10.650.
(3) Maternity leave. Maternity leave will be granted to a pregnant employee, married or unmarried, if the leave is requested in advance by the employee. The employee shall inform her immediate supervisor, in advance, and in writing, of her intention to take leave and the approximate time she expects to return to work. Within thirty calendar days after termination of her pregnancy, the employee shall inform her immediate supervisor of the specific date she expects to return to work. The leave shall begin no sooner than one hundred twenty calendar days before the expected date of delivery, and shall continue no later than sixty calendar days after the actual termination of the pregnancy. However, the one hundred twenty day pretermination period will be extended to a longer period if a physician's statement indicates a different period is necessary to protect the health of the employee or the unborn child. The post-termination period of sixty days may be extended for a period not to exceed the extent of the current contract year if a physician's statement indicates that complications resulting from the pregnancy or its termination necessitate a longer period of time in order to protect the health of the employee. In the event that the employee's supervisor or the community college administration in good faith questions the statement of the employee's physician, the employee may be required to obtain a statement of verification from a different physician. The verifying physician shall be selected by the community college administration and the costs for an examination and statement shall be paid for by the community college.
An employee who temporarily vacates a position due to pregnancy is on official leave status. The vacated position can be filled temporarily, but cannot be filled permanently.
(4) Military leaves. Pursuant to state statutes, an employee who leaves a position in the school system to serve in the armed forces upon being honorably released from active duty shall resume the contract status held prior to entering the military service, subject to passing a medical examination certifying that the individual is competent to perform the functions of said contract.
(5) Personal leaves. A personal leave is considered a leave of absence from duty by an employee of the college, for which written request has been made and formal approval granted by the president.
All personal leaves of absence are without pay with the exception of: (a) Personal catastrophe, and (b) personal business, both of which shall not exceed three days per year, nonaccumulative.
Leave under (b) personal business, shall require approval in advance and shall be taken only on professional (nonteaching) days.
The exception to the above conditions would be when an employee is summoned to appear in court as a witness or a defendant when notified to attend a hearing. A faculty member who is called for jury duty may do so without loss of pay. The college shall guarantee the salary difference between the juror's pay and that which would be received.
(6) Personal illness or injury leaves. This leave is to be considered in the form of an insurance which will protect the employee from loss of pay or employment status in the event of temporary illness or injury. The employee is responsible to provide, for recording purposes, a determination of the condition which caused the absence. A written excuse from a licensed physician may be required for verification of the absence.
Twelve days per calendar year, unlimited accumulation, for each full-time employee is allowed for absences due to personal illness or injury. No salary deduction shall be made for such absences taken within the number of total days accrued by the employee for such purposes.
All employee benefits shall continue during the period of leave except as specifically restricted by regulations implementing this policy. The institution shall not continue such entitlements, including salary, beyond the total number of days accrued for an employee's personal illness or injury.
(7) Professional leaves. Professional leaves of absence without deduction of pay and with reimbursement of certain expenses may be granted to attend professional meetings upon request to the president. When necessary, the college shall provide a substitute academic employee to perform the duties of the academic employee who has been granted leave to attend a professional meeting. When a substitute cannot be obtained or other activity arranged, the class may be canceled upon the approval of the division chairman.
(8) Other leaves. Any day on which a certificated employee, while absent, is engaged in an activity under the direction of the board of trustees shall not be regarded as an absence provided such business has been cleared through the president's office. For example:
(a) Visitation to other schools;
(b) Speaking engagements involving education;
(c) Research or preparation involved in presenting professional projects;
(d) Instructionally related field trips;
(e) College related activity supervision.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 28B.19B [28B.19] and 28B.50 RCW. WSR 86-16-010 (Order 86-1), § 132S-30-084, filed 7/25/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140 and chapter 28B.19 RCW. WSR 82-21-012 (Order 82-1), § 132S-30-084, filed 10/11/82. Formerly WAC 132S-170-030.]