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WAC 16-228-1570: What are the circumstances when certification permits are used?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 16 > Chapter 16-228 > Section 16-228-1570



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WAC 16-228-1570

What are the circumstances when certification permits are used?

(1) Private applicator certification, demonstration and research applicator certification, user permits and private-commercial applicator licenses shall be considered as certified applicator permits as provided for in RCW 17.21.030 and 15.58.040 (2)(h).
(2) User permits may be issued by the director as temporary applicator certification in emergency situations. User permits will be issued in a form prescribed by the director, which shall include the following:
(a) Permit number
(b) Date of issuance
(c) Expiration date, which shall be not longer than one year from the date of issuance
(d) Name and address of certified applicator
(e) Crop or site and area to which the pesticide will be applied
(f) Amount of pesticide obtained
(g) Any other information prescribed by the director.
(3) Pesticide dealers shall keep user permits for a period of one year from the date of issuance, and the director shall have access to these records upon request.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 17.21, 15.58, 34.05 RCW. WSR 03-22-029, § 16-228-1570, filed 10/28/03, effective 11/28/03. Statutory Authority: Chapters 15.54, 15.58 and 17.21 RCW. WSR 99-22-002, § 16-228-1570, filed 10/20/99, effective 11/20/99.]