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§46-12.10-3  Purposes And Duties. –

Published: 2015

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CHAPTER 46-12.10

Commission to Study Feasibility and Funding of Homeowners Assistance Fund for

Septic Systems

SECTION 46-12.10-3

   § 46-12.10-3  Purposes and duties. –

The purpose of the commission shall be to study pollution levels in general

terms on a statewide basis; develop a program where cities and towns develop

community septic system management plans; determine funding sources for

creation of such plans, determine funding sources for a homeowners financial

assistance program; develop the specific requirements of such a program;

determine which agency or agencies and mechanisms are best able to manage and

administer said funding; draft legislation which would incorporate the findings

and recommendations of the commission and a plan of implementation of the

findings and recommendations of the commission; and report in writing to the

general assembly on January 3, 1997 on the findings and recommendations of the

commission with proposed legislation, and shall expire February 3, 1997.

History of Section.

(P.L. 1996, ch. 182, § 1.)