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WAC 200-240-020: Display of flags on state buildings

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 200 > Chapter 200-240 > Section 200-240-020


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WAC 200-240-020

Display of flags on state buildings.

The United States flag and the Washington state flag may be displayed from buildings on the state capitol grounds in such place and in such manner as the director of enterprise services may direct. No flags other than the United States flag and the Washington state flag may be displayed upon any pole or other place designated for the official display of flags, except as provided by law or at the discretion of the governor of the state of Washington. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.19 RCW. WSR 15-19-014, § 200-240-020, filed 9/3/15, effective 10/5/15. Statutory Authority: 2011 c 43. WSR 11-23-093, recodified as § 200-240-020, filed 11/17/11, effective 11/17/11; Order 76-3, § 236-20-020 (codified as WAC 236-20A-020), filed 3/15/76.]