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WAC 357-19-184: Besides the DEL, may other employers conduct background checks on applicants or employees and what is the requirement to notify applicants or employees?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 357 > Chapter 357-19 > Section 357-19-184



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 357-19-184

Besides the DEL, may other employers conduct background checks on applicants or employees and what is the requirement to notify applicants or employees?

(1) Employers may conduct background checks on applicants and/or employees if required by state or federal law, or if the employer identifies the need for a background check to verify that the applicant or employee satisfies the position requirements.
(2) Employers who conduct background checks must develop procedures regarding how and when background checks will be conducted. The procedures must include notification to applicants and/or employees if a background check is required.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 41.06 RCW. WSR 07-17-125, § 357-19-184, filed 8/20/07, effective 9/20/07; WSR 05-12-097, § 357-19-184, filed 5/27/05, effective 7/1/05.]