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Section: 227.0210 Commission to maintain state highways, how--cost, how paid. RSMO 227.210

Published: 2015

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Missouri Revised Statutes

Chapter 227

State Highway System


Section 227.210.1


August 28, 2015

Commission to maintain state highways, how--cost, how paid.

227.210. 1. The state highways as designated in section 227.020 shall be

under the jurisdiction and control of the commission; and the commission

shall maintain such roads in a state and manner consistent with the present

condition of such roads; provided, that when the roads included in said state

highway system have been constructed by the commission, or acquired as

provided for in sections 227.120 to 227.150 and section 227.170, they shall be

maintained by the commission and kept in a good state of repair at whatever

cost may be required.

2. The cost of repairing and maintaining said roads shall be paid out of

the state road fund on the warrant of the state auditor, when such payment

shall be ordered by the commission. For the purpose of maintaining and

repairing such roads, the commission shall have authority to purchase or

otherwise acquire, all necessary tools, machinery, supplies and materials,

and may employ the necessary labor therefor, and the commission may provide

for the proper repair and maintenance of such roads, or any portion thereof,

by contract, which shall specify the nature and character of the work to be

done. The commission shall also provide for a system of patrol for

maintaining and repairing these state highways, so that such highways may be

effectually and economically preserved and maintained.

(RSMo 1939 § 8782)

Prior revision: 1929 § 8134


Missouri General Assembly

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