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WAC 246-836-210: Authority to use, prescribe, dispense and order

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-836 > Section 246-836-210



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 246-836-210

Authority to use, prescribe, dispense and order.

(1) Naturopathic medical practice includes the prescription, administration, dispensing, and use of:
(a) Nutrition and food science, physical modalities, minor office procedures, homeopathy, hygiene, and immunizations/vaccinations;
(b) Contraceptive devices;
(c) Nonlegend medicines including vitamins, minerals, botanical medicines, homeopathic medicines, and hormones;
(d) Legend drugs as defined under RCW 69.41.010 with the exception of Botulinum Toxin (commonly known as, among other names, Botox, Vistabel, Dysport, or Neurobloc) and inert substances used for cosmetic purposes; and
(e) Codeine and testosterone products that are contained within Schedules III, IV, and V in chapters 69.50 RCW and 246-887 WAC.
(2) In accordance with RCW 69.41.010(13), all prescriptions must be hand-printed, typewritten, or generated electronically.
(3) Prior to being allowed to administer, prescribe, dispense, or order controlled substances, a naturopathic physician must meet the requirements in WAC 246-836-211 and have obtained the appropriate registration issued by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration.
(4) Naturopathic physicians may not treat malignancies except in collaboration with a practitioner licensed under chapter 18.57 or 18.71 RCW.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.36A.160, 2011 c 41, and 2011 c 40. WSR 12-13-104, § 246-836-210, filed 6/20/12, effective 7/21/12. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.130.050(1), 18.36A.060, and 2005 c 158. WSR 07-20-101, § 246-836-210, filed 10/2/07, effective 11/2/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.36A.060 [(1)](a). WSR 92-06-020 (Order 247), § 246-836-210, filed 2/25/92, effective 3/27/92.]