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WAC 246-292-086: Certified Bto

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-292 > Section 246-292-086



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 246-292-086

Certified BTO.

(1) The department shall:
(a) Reclassify a certified BTO that has twelve months or more of operating experience in a water treatment plant to a WTPO 1. To document operating experience in a water treatment plant, a BTO shall submit the following to the department for review and approval:
(i) Completed "Waterworks Operator Information" form provided by the department; and
(ii) Affidavits of employment that document water treatment plant experience.
(b) Issue a temporary operator certification to a BTO designated as a certified operator in responsible charge in WAC 246-292-020 for up to twelve months as a WTPO 1 under the following criteria:
(i) The BTO is currently operating a water treatment plant;
(ii) The BTO does not have twelve months of operating experience in a water treatment plant; and
(iii) The water treatment plant is classified as Class 1 in WAC 246-292-040 Table 1.
(2) A BTO that does not have twelve months of operating experience in a water treatment plant, and that does not meet the criteria in subsection (1)(b) of this section, shall remain a certified BTO.
(3) Within twelve months of the effective date of this chapter, a BTO may request that the department reclassify the certificate from a BTO to a WTPO-OIT by submitting the following information for department review and approval:
(a) Completed "Waterworks Operator Information" form; and
(b) Affidavits of employment that document water treatment plant experience.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.119.050 and chapter 70.119 RCW. WSR 14-01-003, § 246-292-086, filed 12/4/13, effective 1/4/14.]