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§30-19-1  Obtaining federal loans. –

Published: 2015

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Military Affairs and Defense


Capacity of Minor Veterans

SECTION 30-19-1

   § 30-19-1  Obtaining federal loans. –

Every minor of sane mind whether or not under guardianship by reason of

minority who under the provisions of federal law is eligible for housing loans

may with the same force, effect, and validity as if that minor were eighteen

(18) years of age with full legal capacity enter into, make, swear to, or

affirm, execute, acknowledge, and deliver any and all mortgages of real and

personal property, notes, and bonds secured by mortgage and other instruments

of mortgage and any and all contracts, agreements, notes, bonds, obligations,

covenants, warranties, affidavits, and vouchers which may be requisite,

necessary, desirable, or incident to obtaining any loan guaranteed in part or

in full under the provisions of federal law or to obtaining any loan, guaranty,

or other benefit thereunder; and with like force, effect, and validity may

contract for and purchase real and personal property and pay the consideration

therefor in all cases in which part or all of the purchase price consists of

the proceeds of a loan guaranteed in part or in full under the provisions of

federal law.

History of Section.

(P.L. 1945, ch. 1583, § 1; G.L. 1956, § 30-19-1; P.L. 1987, ch. 54,

§ 1.)