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WAC 480-30-441: Charter and excursion carriers not subject to provisions of Part 8

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 480 > Chapter 480-30 > Section 480-30-441



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 480-30-441

Charter and excursion carriers not subject to provisions of Part 8.

The consumer rules apply only to auto transportation companies. Charter and excursion carriers are not subject to the provisions of Part 8 of this chapter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 80.01.040, 81.04.160, 81.12.050, 81.68.030, and 81.70.270. WSR 06-13-006 (General Order No. R-533, Docket No. TC-020497), § 480-30-441, filed 6/8/06, effective 7/9/06.]