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WAC 170-296A-2200: Reporting incidents to 911 (emergency services)

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 170 > Chapter 170-296A > Section 170-296A-2200



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 170-296A-2200

Reporting incidents to 911 (emergency services).

The licensee or primary staff person must call 911 and report to emergency services the following:
(1) A child missing from care, as soon as the licensee or staff realizes the child is missing;
(2) Medical emergency (injury or illness) that requires immediate professional medical care;
(3) Giving a child too much of any oral, inhaled or injected medication, or a child taking or receiving another child's medication;
(4) Fire and other emergencies;
(5) Poisoning or suspected poisoning; or
(6) Other incidents requiring emergency response.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.215.060, 43.215.070, and chapter 43.215 RCW. WSR 11-23-068, § 170-296A-2200, filed 11/14/11, effective 3/31/12.]