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WAC 208-630-464: What documentation is acceptable as proof of the borrower's identity?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 208 > Chapter 208-630 > Section 208-630-464



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 208-630-464

What documentation is acceptable as proof of the borrower's identity?

(1) For small loans made in person you must use one of the following forms of identification which must contain a photograph of the borrower:
(a) Driver's license issued in the United States, Canada, or Mexico;
(b) Any state's state identification card;
(c) Matricula consular;
(d) Tribal identification;
(e) Passport;
(f) Military identification; or
(g) Other forms or methods of verifying identification, as approved by the director, that provide a reliable means of verifying the borrower's identity.
(2) For loans made over the internet you must use a method of verifying identification, as approved by the director, that provides a reliable means of verifying the borrower's identity.
(3) You must keep a record of the identification information you accepted or a record of the results of the method of verifying identification you used as proof of the borrower's identity in the loan file.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.320.040, 31.45.200, and 2009 c 510. WSR 09-24-089, § 208-630-464, filed 12/1/09, effective 1/1/10.]