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WAC 308-19-220: Responsibilities as a licensee in addition to the other obligations and responsibilities outlined in chapter 18.185 RCW and chapter 308-19 WAC

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 308 > Chapter 308-19 > Section 308-19-220



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 308-19-220

Responsibilities as a licensee in addition to the other obligations and responsibilities outlined in chapter 18.185 RCW and chapter 308-19 WAC.

It is the responsibility of each and every licensee to obtain a copy of and be knowledgeable of and keep current with the rules implementing chapter 18.185 RCW.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.185 RCW. WSR 05-08-027, § 308-19-220, filed 3/30/05, effective 4/30/05; WSR 00-01-061, § 308-19-220, filed 12/13/99, effective 1/13/00. Statutory Authority: 1993 c 260 § 13. WSR 93-21-053, § 308-19-220, filed 10/18/93, effective 11/18/93.]