Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 46
Establishment and Boundaries of Counties
Section 46.099.1
August 28, 2015
46.099. Beginning at a point in the middle of the main channel of the
Mississippi River, due east of the mouth of the Meramec; thence due west to
the middle of the main channel of the Meramec River, at the mouth thereof;
thence up the Meramec, in the middle of the main channel thereof, to where
the township line between townships forty-three and forty-four crosses the
same; thence west with said line to the Meramec River, where the said township
line again crosses the same; thence up the Meramec River, in the middle of
the main channel thereof, to a point where the range line between ranges two
and three, east, crosses the same; thence south with said range line to the
northwest corner of township forty-two, range three, east; thence direct to
the northeast corner of Washington County, being a point sixteen chains north
of the quarter-section corner on the line between sections fourteen and
fifteen, in township forty, north, range two, east; thence in a direct line
to the middle of the main channel of Big River, opposite the mouth of Mineral
Fork; thence up said river, in the middle of the main channel thereof, to
where the subdivisional line between sections eighteen and nineteen
intersects the same; thence east with the subdivision lines to the southeast
corner of section sixteen, township thirty-eight, range four, east; thence
direct to the southeast corner of township thirty-nine, north, range five,
east; thence in a direct line, and with the St. Francois County line, toward
the southeast corner of section twenty-three, township thirty-eight, north,
range six, east, to where said line intersects the Platten Creek; thence in a
direct line to Skagg's Spring, on the Isle au Bois Creek, in section fourteen,
township thirty-nine, north, of range six, east, and to said Isle au Bois
Creek, and to the middle of the main channel thereof; thence down the middle
of the main channel of said Isle au Bois Creek to the slough bank; thence in
a northeastern direction to the middle of the main channel of the Mississippi
River; thence up the middle of the main channel of said Mississippi River to
the place of beginning.
(RSMo 1939 § 13622)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 11963; 1919 § 9365; 1909 § 3582
Missouri General Assembly
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