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WAC 388-107-1550: Disclosure of investigative and finding information

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-107 > Section 388-107-1550



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 388-107-1550

Disclosure of investigative and finding information.

(1) Information obtained during the investigation into allegations of abandonment, abuse, neglect, misappropriation of property, or financial exploitation of a resident, and any documents generated by the department will be maintained and disseminated with regard for the privacy of the resident and any reporting individuals and in accordance with laws and regulations regarding confidentiality and privacy. (2) Confidential information about residents and mandated reporters provided to the individual by the department must be kept confidential and may only be used by the individual to challenge findings through the appeals process. (3) Confidential information such as the name and other personal identifying information of the reporter, witnesses, or the residents will be redacted from the documents unless release of that information is consistent with chapter 74.34 RCW and other applicable state and federal laws. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.97 RCW. WSR 14-19-071, § 388-107-1550, filed 9/12/14, effective 10/13/14.]